it was the mid 80's
the song was “love will find a way”
I simply adored her..and Michael W. Smith. I listened to all their songs, went to their concerts…
When her Heart in Motion album came out, I won tickets to see her at the Melody Ballroom in Portland Or. I was lucky enough to say hello and shake her hand, and she even signed my copy of CCM…
When I heard that her marriage was dissolving, I cried for her. Why? Because I knew how awful the Christian community was going to be to her. I remembered what they did to Sandi Patti…
I had to wonder…
With Christians who supposedly were “walking” in Jesus’ love, where was their love for Amy? And Patti?
Divorce is a hard thing to go through, especially when the whole world is watching. Try as we might, we KNOW we are not the same people we were in our 20’s. We hope that we can grow, spiraling out, learning new things, and hopefully bring what we have learned back to our partners, and continue growing and walking that same path.
Recently, Amy just went through open heart surgery. I also heard that she took care of her parents when they were experiencing dementia, bringing her mother into her home…
As Christians, we should never put people on a pedestal.
Because sometimes they fall short.
Not in God’s eyes…
But in our own.