I've ALWAYS had a problem with transracial adoptions. There is no requirement that parents need to be culturally competent, meaning that they are not required to learn about the adoptees culture and their place in American society, which is based in systemic and institutional racism. These parents, who, I'm sure have the very best intentions to want to give a child a loving home, fail to realize that once their child goes out into the world will learn the harsh realities of life and this child learns that being brought up in a white household doesn't not protect them from the racists in america, which we are now finding are coming out of their quiet corners, ready to inflict pain and suffering to those children of color. We give licenses to people who drive and give licenses to people who fish, yet, we don't require people to take classes on how to parent, which in the end will cause the "innocent" child years of emotional trauma and abuse and by then, it just might be too late to "save" them at all...