Violet DeTorres
3 min readSep 10, 2021


Oh my goodness...reading your essay is, well, um...quite disturbing on so many levels. So, let's break it down, shall we? First, your " signed a black person" gives one pause. Is that somehow to lead the reader, that as a BLACK PERSON, you find Critical Race Theory to be somewhat of a strange mystical way of thought? Second, your premise of :

Literally, every person and company has been yelling “Yes, Black Lives Matter” for the last couple or years and yet, from all appearances, no one, black or otherwise, is any happier for it. The content of Black Lives Matter isn't supposed to make those, black or otherwise happy, it was to make those AROUND US become MORE AWARE of how black lives are disproportionately affected, when it comes to economics, education, dispensing of justice and a myriad of other examples. However, you seemed to have missed the point. Thirdly, your comment of

"the U.S system supported and sponsored a black woman’s athletic dream; that same country then chose her to represent that country at the biggest and most honorable international show of athleticism, the Olympics" she wasn't chosen, the competition is decided by who can throw the implement the farthest, she EARNED the right to be there. Fourth, your other comment of : "Yet, as this black woman was on stage, representing her country and enjoying a host of privileges that most people, regardless of race, will never experience, she chose to turn her back during the national anthem. " Are you even aware of the origins and the lyrics of the National Anthem? Probably not. And since she IS an American, did you forget about free speech? Probably so...

And your next comment is so flawed, its absolutely hilarious. You are trying to equate this scenario to what is happening in the US..." All of a sudden, we’re looking around wondering why the Mexican culture/government/economy seems to be set up for Mexicans traditions and culture, and not my black American culture." Of course it won't be set up for your "black American culture"...but those black folks BORN in MEXICO will hopefully be treated as Mexicans and be accepted in the Mexican culture. Black Americans are not treated EQUAL in America. They have received the short end of the stick. What do you think Colin Kaepernick has been doing all this time? You think he's been on bended knee for shits and giggles?

And last, but not least, is this comment: What I can’t seem to understand is exactly why we’d want to teach children that their country and world are inherently racist, any future plans they have will likely be derailed by these poisonous systemic systems, and all hope should be immediately set aside. Now, to set the record straight, nobody is teaching CRT in elementary schools, jr.highs , or even high school. CRT is taught at a collegiate level. Why? Because it is based on a systems theory, something that little minds cannot comprehend, for it is very complex, probably for you, unless you have been educated in different systems and how they work, as in your quote " That's how the world works." However, in schools we teach the children the truth, such as when the Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock, they got along well with the Indians, who we now refer to as Native Americans...then as children we grow up and find out that the Pilgrims weren't so great as history would have us believe.

" Quantitatively, how do we fix what CRT claims is broken? What are the exact we must take in order to feel our country is back on track and absolved of past atrocities? But it doesn’t address any of that….it simply tells children the world is a cold slice of hell and then sends them to their next class." CRT, just like Black Lives Matter is to make one aware, to recognize how our past behaviors, ones that have been passed down from generation to generation, those behaviors that are biased and rooted in our educational system, our laws, our governments, against certain peoples, people of color, those who are disabled, those who are LGBTQ, because of those who are able-bodied, middle class white folks, those in THE MAJORITY.

"it simply tells children the world is a cold slice of hell and then sends them to their next class."

Sorry, hon, but its your mindset that leads you to that conclusion. I hope you don't decide on becoming a teacher, teaching children that the world is a cold slice of hell, because at that age, a cold slice of anything to them would be a pizza...



Violet DeTorres
Violet DeTorres

Written by Violet DeTorres

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House // " When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" --Maya Angelou

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