These are good examples you have chosen. I can see where Black officers might use their position to take advantage of their fellow brothers and sisters of color. As for Candace Owens, she is simply the "token" for Republicans, or for those who aren't Republican, but who may value white supremacy. Examples would be Kanye West, Diamond and Silk, Sheriff David Clarke from Wisconsin. These Black folk are looked upon by others like pariahs.
As for confronting racism between blacks, you will need to somehow dismantle systemic racism at its core. Just like in all communities of color, there will be those who feel they have "arrived' in status, being equal to those in power, which would be those who created the system that keeps POC in their place.
Like I said earlier, I believe you to be young. Maybe you will be able to shift your "paradigms" so that being "racist" to one another in one's community will no longer exist; possibly being archaic in nature. But I have seen many civil rights come and go, making progress, only to watch it slide backwards and to begin again.
I do appreciate the conversation.