Violet DeTorres
9 min readSep 10, 2017


well, then i guess you are pretty special then? there is such a thing as white privilege and many studies have been done about it.

since you have already declared yourself to be white, Slavic, Russian, straight, female, you have already put yourself and your opinions outside those groups who have been marginalized in US History.

you seem to think that since you are white you don't have to claim any guilt for what has been done to people like Clay and others of color. nobody has asked you to feel any guilt.

you claim that the nazis killed many of your relatives and what was your exact quote?

“You talk about the monuments to Nazism that were pulled down in Germany after the war. The Nazis murdered millions of my people too, and I mean including relatives of mine, not just people who happened to have the same colour skin. I do not believe those statues should have been pulled down. I believe that statues of Hitler should still stand in Berlin as that warning from history. I do not believe that the Germans should have been given a free pass by the occupying powers to sweep the horrors of their history under the carpet so they could begin sanitising their history.”

i highly doubt by puling down nazi statues is Germany’s way of sweeping the horrors of their history under the rug. The germans have not been given a free pass with history because they are one of the few countries with hate speech laws…


Volksverhetzung, in English “incitement of the masses”, “instigation of the people” (the official English translation of the German Criminal Code uses “incitement to hatred”[1][2]), is a concept in German criminal law that refers to incitement to hatred against segments of the population and refers to calls for violent or arbitrary measures against them, including assaults against the human dignity of others by insulting, maliciously maligning, or defaming segments of the population.[1][2][3]

In the UK, incitement to ethnic or racial hatred is a criminal offense under Sections 17–29 of the Public Order Act 1986.
In Ireland, the corresponding law is the ‘Prohibition of Incitement to Hatred Act’.
A similar law exists in Sweden as “hets mot folkgrupp” (“agitation against an ethnic group”), second section 16th chapter 8§ of the criminal code.[6]
The Finnish criminal code also includes a similar law, which calls the crime “kiihottaminen kansanryhmää vastaan” (“incitement against ethnic groups”) in the Finnish version, “hets mot folkgrupp” in the Swedish version: 11th chapter (“On War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity”), 8§.
The Russian Criminal Code such a law called the “incitement of ethnic hatred”,which refers to actions aimed at inciting ethnic or racial hatred (Article 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Article 29 of the Constitution states that: Propaganda or campaigning inciting social, racial, national or religious hatred or enmity. The propaganda of social, racial, national, religious or linguistic superiority.

in fact, just doing anything similar to a nazi salute will get you jail time or a fine in germany..gosh Svetlana, i wonder why? is this the governments' way of sweeping history under the rug?

or maybe this?

A drunken American tourist has been beaten up in the German city of Dresden after he repeatedly raised his arm to give the Nazi salute, police said.
The 41-year-old man, who was lightly injured in the attack, was being investigated for violating the law against the use of symbols from banned organizations', Dresden police said in a statement.

Public displays of Nazi symbols such as the swastika or gestures like the “Heil Hitler” salute have been banned in Germany since the end of the second world war.

My goodness, these gestures have been banned since the end of the second world war…i wonder why?

now, lets see…what did you say about white privilege?

whatever that is” how conveniently condescending of you…

As they describe in two working papers, Redzo Mujcic and Paul Frijters, economists at the University of Queensland, trained and assigned 29 young adult testers (from both genders and different ethnic groups) to board public buses in Brisbane and insert an empty fare card into the bus scanner. After the scanner made a loud sound informing the driver that the card did not have enough value, the testers said, “I do not have any money, but I need to get to” a station about 1.2 miles away. (The station varied according to where the testers boarded.)

With more than 1,500 observations, the study uncovered substantial, statistically significant race discrimination. Bus drivers were twice as willing to let white testers ride free as black testers (72 percent versus 36 percent of the time). Bus drivers showed some relative favoritism toward testers who shared their own race, but even black drivers still favored white testers over black testers (allowing free rides 83 percent versus 68 percent of the time).

Here is another example of white privilege at play…

A job applicant with a name that sounds like it might belong to an African-American — say, Lakisha Washington or Jamal Jones — can find it harder to get a job. Despite laws against discrimination, affirmative action, a degree of employer enlightenment, and the desire by some businesses to enhance profits by hiring those most qualified regardless of race, African-Americans are twice as likely as whites to be unemployed and they earn nearly 25 percent less when they are employed.

To see how the credentials of job applicants affect discrimination, the authors varied the quality of the resumes they used in response to a given ad. Higher quality applicants were given a little more labor market experience on average and fewer holes in their employment history. They were also portrayed as more likely to have an email address, to have completed some certification degree, to possess foreign language skills, or to have been awarded some honors.
In total, the authors responded to more than 1,300 employment ads in the sales, administrative support, clerical, and customer services job categories, sending out nearly 5,000 resumes. The ads covered a large spectrum of job quality, from cashier work at retail establishments and clerical work in a mailroom to office and sales management positions.
The results indicate large racial differences in callback rates to a phone line with a voice mailbox attached and a message recorded by someone of the appropriate race and gender. Job applicants with white names needed to send about 10 resumes to get one callback; those with African-American names needed to send around 15 resumes to get one callback. This would suggest either employer prejudice or employer perception that race signals lower productivity.

and another example of white privilege, this time affecting the Hispanic/Mexican community…

A Business Insider article told the unfortunate story of Jose Zamora, a job seeker who decided to alter his “ethnic name” on his resume in an attempt to get a callback. And, apparently, his tactic worked.

now, this little tidbit of yours…

So you are right to say that “loud and indignant speech does not override facts, science, or truth.” That is why I despise identity politics of all kinds, because identity politics refuses to see nuance. It refuses objectivity. It measures everything by skin colour, sex or sexual orientation. It is the definition of bigotry.

hmm… “It measures everything by skin colour, sex or sexual orientation. It is the definition of bigotry.”

lets see. What did you say about yourself?

“white, Slavic, Russian, straight, female”

so, your argument to Clay is he needs to stop virtue signaling to get his point across by pointing out examples of where other countries have dealt with hate speech, correct? however, you yourself have used your identity as a way that clearly doesn't address Clays point of view.

do you know what is like to be a black man? if you do, then you are a pretty good shape shifter. As for sex, you seem to know what its like to be a man? damn, you’re good. Straight? so, you don't know what the LGBTQIA community has gone through in the history of the US? you may not like identity politics, but for some of us who are NOT “white, Slavic, Russian, straight, female” we struggle everyday with those who want to condemn our identities, because that is how we are defined in the US.

These were your words…

I am Russian. As a child I walked to school everyday past a statue of Vladimir Lenin. The statue still stands in my hometown and there has over the last few years been a similar debate about whether or not to tear it down. As usual I want it to remain. That statue represents a man and a system that brought the darkest period in Russian history. He was a mass murdering monster who plunged my country into decades of misery and terror. And I say he should stand. I want the next generation of Russian kids to walk past his statue too. His statue whispers to them — “Look at me. I am the monster who cursed your people to decades of horror. Recognise me when you see me again. Never again allow yourselves to buy the poisonous snake-oil that people like me sell.”

Now, I will rewrite your same piece in Clay’s words…

“I am a black man. As a child I walked to school everyday past a statue of Robert E. Lee. The statue still stands in my hometown and there has over the last few years been a similar debate about whether or not to take it down, especially now since there was a rally held to keep it up, however those who marched around the statue screaming “ the jews will not replace us, blood and soil, one people, one nation, end immigration” did not once speak of the statue’s significance. With the death of a counter protester by a white supremacist, this statue has nothing to do with keeping history in tact, only to celebrate the ownership of my black brothers and sisters. Lee’s story is one of the monumental choices in American history: revered for his honor, Lee resigned his U.S. Army commission to defend Virginia and fight for the Confederacy, on the side of slavery.”
Read more:

“The statue represents a man who believed that slavery was a right that white men should hold dear and fight for. I know that these statues were put up many years after the civil war. In fact…”

However, it’s worth noting that Robert E. Lee, the Confederate general whose statue was at the center of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend, “opposed monuments,” a biographer of the general told PBS.
“It’s often forgotten that Lee himself, after the Civil War, opposed monuments, specifically Confederate war monuments,” said Jonathan Horn, who wrote The Man Who Would Not Be Washington, told PBS.

Lee believed countries that erased visible signs of civil war recovered from conflicts quicker,” Horn said. “He was worried that by keeping these symbols alive, it would keep the divisions alive.”

“And these statues have done that. I want these statues to come down because there will be individuals who want to relive the old south again, in so many ways. I don’t want the next generation of black children to walk past that statue. I don’t want that statue to whisper to them…”

“Look at me. I am the monster who sold and bought your peoples. Stories of families being sold on the auction block like cattle, being prodded and looked over like a side of beef. Recognize people like me when you see others who represent what I believed. Never again allow yourselves to buy the poisonous snake-oil that people like me sell, which is the slavery of the black people.”

oh, but wait…

You’re “white, Slavic, Russian, straight, female”

You would never understand Clay’s point of view…

sorry Clay Rivers, had to say something…



Violet DeTorres

The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House // " When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time" --Maya Angelou