Your title says it all. These five things are important, however, I think you may have missed a very component part of the conversation.
1) Someone who is tender.
2) Someone who listens "globally".
3) Someone who talks nicely to you.
4) Someone who respects you.
5) Someone who fights for you.
These are things that "one" needs to find within themselves, before they find them in others, or prospective partners. It's a waste of time to look to others for these type of reassurances when one does not have them for themselves. If you can't be tender to yourself, or listen to yourself, or be nice to yourself, or respect yourself, and last but certainly not least, to FIGHT for your yourself, your convictions, and eventually coming to the point of LOVING YOURSELF, it has all been for naught.
We are all worthy of love. We have to love ourselves first.
As for men saying out loud what they want, I can tell you that I am as old as dirt, and I have heard men tell me all kinds of things "they" have wanted from me, and were never shy or timid about saying it. Their wants and needs came first. Mine came second.
Maybe the Good Men's Project should aspire to be better...